Wednesday, April 25th
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Programs for April 25, 2018
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9:00 am
Mussar and Holy Listening: A Breakfast Club
Join Rabbi Lori Shapiro and Chaplain Deborah Schmidt for a tasty breakfest and an introduction to Mussar, a Jewish spiritual path and spiritual direction/spiritual companioning. Participants will emerge with an understanding of the history and practice of the Mussar tradition - from ancient times to today - and apply concepts of Jewish Spiritual ethics and... [More...]
Find out more »11:00 am
Coping with Chronic Illness and Pain
Rabbi Robbins has lived with chronic/catastrophic illness for the past thirteen years at level 10 from nerve damage. Both from his spiritual resources and training as Rabbi and Kabbalist, along with a doctorate in psychology, he will share and guide the participants through means of accessing their own resources for managing illness and pain. His... [More...]
Find out more »Yoga During Cancer Treatment
This session of yoga geared for cancer patients is a restful experience, focusing on relaxation for the mind and down time for the body. While listening to sacred Jewish music, we will move from one resting pose to another offering the nervous and immune systems a message of healing. Poses inspired by our ancient... [More...]
Find out more »12:00 pm
T’Shuvah – a Jewish Response to the Opioid Epidemic
As a Jewish addiction treatment center, Beit T’Shuvah has been immersed in a 30-year study of what we call human brokenness – the inherent inner human dilemma wherein we live in an uncertain world with uncertain meaning and an uncertain future. Our teachers have been those in our community who are most acutely broken: the... [More...]
Find out more »1:00 pm
The Limits of Healing: Exploring Boundaries to Healing and Care
Our tradition describes the tension between the imperative to provide healing and care for another and the extent to which we must acknowledge the limitations upon that healing and care. How can we help heal when the other is hard to care for? Does it matter what the reason is? What are the limits to... [More...]
Find out more »7:00 pm
Israeli Folk Dancing
Love Israeli music? Want to be healthy, have fun and enjoy great exercise? This is the perfect class for you! Join Orly Star in a celebration of Israeli dance. No experience necessary.
Find out more »Responding to Your Soul’s Yearning: Choosing Judaism
This interactive workshop articulates the spiritual benefits of choosing Judaism as the soul’s path and provides a framework for finding the necessary resources for converting to Judaism. We will discuss such spiritual benefits as: The sense of a caring community Invitation to question Rituals that bring you closer to a sense of the Divine Practical... [More...]
Find out more »And It Was Evening, And It Was Morning: Spiritual Practices for One Day
Stressed? Challenged just to get through the day? Want to experience more joy? This workshop will combine Jewish texts, sacred chant, and movement to reveal three spiritual practices to help you to wake up in the morning with full intention, reconnect with yourself at mid-day, and wind down your energy at bedtime. Please bring a... [More...]
Find out more »Opening Reception and Lecture Bread & Salt – An Art Exhibit
We warmly invite you to the opening of BREAD and SALT, an exhibit which is part of a year-long city wide festival exploring Jews and Food. At the opening reception tonight hear Dr. Leah Hochman, editor of Tastes of Faith: Jewish Eating in the United States on Jewish food and its multiple layers of... [More...]
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