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Awaken Your Body  to Awaken Your Mind and Spirit: Intersections of The Feldenkrais Method® and Judaism

April 24, 2018 | 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Life just keeps getting busier!  As we speed up and multi-task, Judaism reminds us to slow down once a week for Shabbat.  Can we find more ways to do this moment to moment?  Our bodies too have ways of asking us to slow down, to feel more, and do less.  In this workshop we will explore where Judaism and Feldenkrais intersect to foster learning on how to slow down, come to our senses and drop into the present moment.  The Feldenkrais Method, named after the inventor Dr. Feldenkrais, is a self guided study through movement that allows us to sense and improve habits that are hidden from consciousness.  This learning process allows us to function optimally in an ever changing environment. In Dr. Norman Doidge’s latest book, THE BRAIN’S WAY OF HEALING, there are two chapters dedicated to the many benefits of the Feldenkrais Method.

This Feldenkrais Method class provides a first hand experience to learn and discover new ways to optimize self-awareness to be more present, reduce pain and anxiety, and to grow as a life long learner.  The class is taught by Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher, Dr. Stacy Barrows with a discussion by Rabbi Gary Greenebaum.  (Class size is limited to 10 people. After that we will create a waitlist.)

Program Details

Date: April 24, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Venue: Century City Physical Therapy,
2080 Century Park East #410 Los Angeles, 90067 United States + Google Map